SpoilerTV Image Archive | Gallery | Astronaut Wives Club | Season 1 | Promotional Episode Photos | Episode 1.01 - Launch | 137459_4703


THE ASTRONAUT WIVES CLUB - "Launch" - A new television drama series based on the book by Lily Koppel, focuses on seven women who were key players behind some of the biggest events in American history. As America's astronauts were launched on death-defying missions, the lives of their young wives were transformed, seemingly overnight, from military spouses to American royalty. As their celebrity rose, and tragedy began to touch their lives, they rallied together. "The Astronaut Wives Club" premieres THURSDAY, JUNE 18 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Cook Allender) DOMINIQUE MCELLIGOTT, JOANNA GARCIA SWISHER

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