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Sweet and Sour
Sweet and Sour
Sweet and Sour
Sweets' ten o'clock appiontment, the "gencer-confused FBI agent," walks in and catches Sweets and Daisy kissing.
Sweets says that he and Daisy shouldn’t wait for each other while she’s away.
Sweets thinks Booth should take some time off and be with Hannah. Brennan and Booth disagree.
Terror, special guest Antonia Sabato Jr., threatens Booth.
the-bridge-209 (8)
THE AMERICANS -- "Dimebag" Episode 304 (Airs Wednesday, February 18, 10:00 PM e/p) Pictured: (L-R) Annet Mahendru Nina Sergeevna, Katja Mira Herbers as Evi. CR: Ali Goldstein/FX
THE AMERICANS -- "Dimebag" Episode 304 (Airs Wednesday, February 18, 10:00 PM e/p) Pictured: (top, bottom) Katja Mira Herbers as Evi, Annet Mahendru Nina Sergeevna, Katja Mira Herbers as Evi. CR: Ali Goldstein/FX
THE AMERICANS -- "Dimebag" Episode 304 (Airs Wednesday, February 18, 10:00 PM e/p) Pictured: Annet Mahendru Nina Sergeevna. CR: Ali Goldstein/FX
THE AMERICANS -- "Dimebag" Episode 304 (Airs Wednesday, February 18, 10:00 PM e/p) Pictured: Annet Mahendru Nina Sergeevna. CR: Ali Goldstein/FX
THE AMERICANS -- "Dimebag" Episode 304 (Airs Wednesday, February 18, 10:00 PM e/p) Pictured: Annet Mahendru Nina Sergeevna. CR: Ali Goldstein/FX
THE AMERICANS -- "Dimebag" Episode 304 (Airs Wednesday, February 18, 10:00 PM e/p) Pictured: Katja Mira Herbers as Evi. CR: Ali Goldstein/FX
THE AMERICANS -- "EST Men" Episode 301 -- Pictured: Matthew Rhys as Philip Jennings. CR: Michael Parmelee/FX
The bones melted into the dashboard of the charred truck.
The case leads Booth and Brennan to a high school where Brennan tells Booth she once was placed in detention for calling her science teacher a fool.

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