SpoilerTV Image Archive | Gallery | suburgatory | Season 3 | Promotional Episode Photos | Episode 3.06 - About a Boy-Yoi-Yoing | 133406_5148


SUBURGATORY - "ABOUT A BOY-YOI-YOING" - When George becomes enamored with Chatswin's latest hotspot...a juice bar, Tessa reminds him of their pact to not get sucked into Chatswin culture. This inspires George and Fred to take a trip to New York, which doesn't turn out the way George had planned. Meanwhile, Tessa is pressured into attending Evan's birthday party and reveals what she really thinks of him, on "Suburgatory," WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Richard Cartwright) MAESTRO HARRELL, ALLIE GRANT, JANE LEVY, SAM LERNER, LILA LUCCHETTI

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